Sunday, February 5, 2017

Eternal Man

There is a delightful little book by Truman G. Madsen that beautifully frames questions that have for centuries perplexed great thinkers, philosophers, and theologians.  Madsen's Eternal Man is a masterpiece of philosophical erudition, but more importantly, it is a chef d'oeuvre of spiritual insight. 

It would be a gross understatement to suggest that Truman was a gifted scholar and teacher, or even that he was a prolific author and a profound thinker.  If you take the time to read Madsen's Eternal Man (also here, and here is a link to the pdf), you will begin to get a sense of just how remarkably gifted and spiritually insightful he was.  But what I appreciate most about this elegant and slender volume is the way in which it points to Jesus Christ, the author of all truth.  Enjoy.